If you file a car insurance claim, you are essentially seeking compensation for damage, or a total loss, to your vehicle that is covered by insurance.
What Types Of Car Insurance Are Available?
There are five basic types of coverage that most drivers seek coverage from:
- Liability Insurance
- Personal Injury Protection (PIP)
- Comprehensive Insurance
- Collision Insurance
- Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage
Liability insurance provides coverage if the accident is deemed your fault. It covers the costs of repairs to any damages caused and medical bills of the other party.
PIP is not available in all states. Medical costs add up quickly, and PIP provides coverage for these injuries, regardless of who is at fault. Both parties’ medical bills will be covered with this coverage.
Comprehensive insurance covers incidents that are not otherwise covered by auto insurance, such as hitting a deer or weather damage. This will also provide coverage if your car is stolen. This is a more cost-effective option when compared to the prices of items such as car trackers or tracers.
Collision insurance provides coverage by repairing the damage to your vehicle if a covered accident occurs. If your car is totaled in the accident, meaning the amount to fix your car is worth more than the car itself, then they will pay you for the value of your car instead.
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist coverage provides coverage when the party at fault does not have enough coverage to pay for the damages you received during the collision. You would not receive enough payment to cover the damages, if any payment at all, from the party at fault. This is where this coverage kicks in.
How To File A Car Insurance Claim
There are steps to follow when you are filing an insurance claim. When the incident initially happens, do not leave the scene of the accident, even if the other driver does or if it is your fault. Let your insurance company know about the incident, regardless of how minor it is, as soon as you possibly can.
Most insurance companies have a mobile app for you to get a head start on filing your initial claim. You can check the status of your claim or check your deductible. You can even upload images of the incident that you took with your phone. You may be able to schedule an appraisal or request reimbursement for towing and glass claims.
Contact your insurance company and find out what documents you are required to provide to support your claim. Some companies require a “proof of claim” form and a copy of the police report if one was filed.
Find out if your insurance company covers a rental vehicle, and finally, ensure you submit all your documents in a timely fashion.
Learn More About Car Insurance Claims
If you have more questions about car insurance claims and how to file one, reach out to us today. We’re here to answer all of your questions!